Insomnia 2016 — Award Winners for the 4th Insomnia Festival

The jury from the 4th Insomnia International Animation Film Festival revealed the 2016 award winners.

The Insomnia Grand Prix
and $1000

«EDMOND» / «ЭДМОНД», Nina Gantz, Great Britain

The Profnastil Prize
(the best film of the professional competition)

«ДО ЛЮБВИ» / «BEFORE LOVE», Igor Kovalyov, Russia

The Debyutoria Prize
(the best film of the young animation competition)
and $200

«WILDFIRE» / «ЛЕСНОЙ ПОЖАР», Hugues Opter, Pierre Pinon, Nicole Stafford, Valentin Stoll, Arnaud Tribout и Shang Zhang, France

The Equilibristics Prize
(the best non-narrative or experimental film)
and $200

«SILLON 672» / «БОРОЗДА 672», Bastien Dupriez, France

The Special Prize

«КУКУШКА» / «CUCKOO», Dina Velikovskaya, Russia

The Insomnia-2016 Jury included the festivals producer Anna Zimina, the art historian Kirill Svetlyakov and the director of animation films Leonid Shmelkov.

The 4th Insomnia International Animation Film Festival was held from 14 to 17 July 2016 in the Kaluga region (Russia). 133 films coming out of 31 countries made the cut for the 2016 Official Selection (72 films in the professional competition and 61 films in the young animation competition).

See you at the next Insomnia Festival in summer of 2017! The work of the selection committee will begin in the fall of 2016!

Best regards,
Pavel Shvedov
the programming director of the Insomnia Festival