We would like to invite you to participate in an open animation contest “Contest of Dreams” which is a part of Insomnia festival. This year Insomnia will be held on July 14-17 in Kaluga region.
“Contest of Dreams” is for both amateurs and professional animators. So, it has three nominations:
— Debyutoria (unfledged authors works);
— Profnastil (professional works);
— Equilibristics (other e.g. music videos, animated video art).
To apply to the contest, please fill in the application form below.
Please draw your attention that works should be created no earlier than 2014.
In case of any questions, please contact
Best regards,
Insomnia festival team
POLICYabout the open international animation contest
“Contest of Dreams”
1. Goal and Tasks of the Contest
1.1. Goal: promotion of animation works of young and professional authors;
1.2. Tasks:
— to choose best animation works among received applications;
— to give an opportunity to authors to present their works to audience, professional community and jury;
— to form and develop creative people communities;
— to strengthen cultural connections with other countries and regions (of Russia) representatives.
2. Organizers and founders
Contest founders is an initiative group of “Insomnia” festival organizers, that forms contest selection committee.
3. Participants
3.1. Any private person or organization (creative team) are eligible to apply to the contest.
3.2. To apply to the contest, eligible person / team (see paragraph 3.1 & 3.2 of the current policy) should fill the application form, which is published on the site at the “Contest of dreams” division; give consent to the processing of personal data; public display and non-commercial use of the nominated work.
3.3. The author becomes the participant after getting confirmation from selection committee.
3.4. Participation is free of charge.
4. Contest organization and content
4.1. Contest is held in 2 stages: shortlisting and jury evaluation.
4.2. In case of any technical issues, please, contact site administration via e-mail.
4.3 Information about “short list” of participants will be published on the official festival web-site.
4.4. Preselection is held by organizers on the base of work evaluation criteria.
4.5. All applications should be send before EOD 15th of June 2016; for others participation cannot be guaranteed.
4.6. Final stage will be held within “Insomnia” festival on 14 – 17 of July 2016.
4.7 Contest is held in 3 nominations:
— “Debyutoria” (unfledged authors works);
— “Profnastil” (professional works);
— Equilibristics (other e.g. music videos, animated video art).
4.8. The participant chooses nomination by himself. Within preselection, organizers are entitled to change nomination group by themselves.
4.9. Participant can send not more than 4 (four) works in total, of which not more than 2 (two) in one nomination group.
4.10 Works that were not included in the “Contest of Dreams” programme could be shown with consent of the author within non-competition programme “Whirl of Dreams”.
5. Festival rules
5.1. Organizers are entitled to use works that were sent to the contest (full work, cadres, episodes, personages, voices etc.) on non-exclusive base for usage on festival (with consent of the author).
5.2 Organizers are under the obligation to hold films’ runs only on discussed area within the discussed time; to create conditions for secure storage of films and prevent them from being copied more than required for the festival.
5.3. Sender is responsible for copyright and related rights. Under the copyright and related rights are rights that come within preview of law of Russian Federation.
5.4. The work should answer p. 6 of the policy.
6. Claims on works
6.1. Work should be in form of short film, created not earlier than in 2014.
6.2. Work should be titled; it should have dialog continuity and timing if it is done on the foreign language.
6.3. Besides work sender should attach:
— fulfilled application form (can be found on the official web-site);
— demo-cadre, to illustrate the work;
— text for subtitling with timing.
6.4. Technical specification:
— demonstration will be in a HD format, it is preferable works to be sent in a HD format; coder — H.264 (.mov .avi) with high bitrate. SD format; coder DV (.mov .avi .mp4) with 1920×1080 resolution, but not more than 1 GB;
— works should be sent through the file hosting service and contain necessary information for recovery.
6.5. Contest works should not contain:
— addresses and cell phone numbers;
— scenes of violation, discrimination, vandalism; blood; human or animal agony;
— pornography;
— information in any form of degrading a person or a group of people; supporting any form of criticism, negative perception or protest against human nature, society or nature.
6.6. All works should be done in accordance with Russian legislation.
6.7. In case of any violations or very low quality of video or sound, selective committee is entitled to remove the work from the contest.
7. Debriefing, the election of winners
7.1. To evaluate works, that were admitted to the contest, the selection committee forms a jury.
7.2. The works are evaluated by the jury in accordance with nomination;
7.3. Jury can choose only one winner per nomination.
7.4. Organizers, jury, partners of contest are entitled to establish own prizes for contest winners and participants.
7.5. Jury is entitled not to choose the winner.
7.6. Jury is entitled not to comment the decision.
8. Final provision
8.1. All questions, including ones that are not fixed in this policy are dealing in accordance with Russian legislation.
8.2 In case of discrepancies between Russian language and English language versions Russian language version prevails.
8.3. Selection committee contact: